Road trips with the kids don’t have to be a challenge. The key to a peaceful drive is to have the best road trip travel essentials.
We spend more time in the car during the week than I would like to admit. Whether it is our daily drive to and from school or a family road trip, the backseat is always stocked – entertainment for the youngest member of the family. A backseat travel activity center is essential.
Like many families, before embarking on a road trip, we load our tablets with movies, a few educational games and make sure the devices are fully charged. We pack the charger and loop the headphones, all to keep our backseat passengers in good spirits. Depending on how long the trip will last, this may do the trick.

One thing we know for sure, kids are unpredictable. One minute they’re excited about watching that perfectly curated on-screen playlist. The next, their interest has dissipated, and Houston, we have a problem. To alleviate the possibility of a miserable hours-long car ride, stock a backseat activity center. You will find everything you need right here.
Tips to make your backseat entertainment center a winner:
Backseat Travel Organization
You are in the driver’s seat. The goal is to make the entertainment center an independent venture. Hence all collected items should be easily accessible. I highly recommend these two essential items, a portable backseat organizer and the kid’s travel tray. The essential road trip organizer has loops in the back that securely fastens to a seatbelt.
Road Trip Entertainment Essentials
Now that the organizers are in place let’s fill them. Variety is the name of the game here. Whether you have one child in the back seat or more, adding games is something they will look forward to. The memory game is perfect for travel. Each cover has a spring, so no worries about dropping traditional memory game cards. This can be played solo or with another backseat friend. Brain teasers will intrigue older kids while younger children keep busy with crafts. If you have more than one child, I recommend getting each of them a LEGO base. They can share the bricks. Tip: Save a few items for the return trip. Adding something new helps ward off boredom.
Games and Blocks
Crafts and Drawing
Books: Jokes, Mad Libs, and Brain Teasers
In addition to these road trip travel essentials, you may also add books from our spring book list or add some math tools. We keep a set of wrap-ups and flashcards in our activity center.
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