Snap Circuits | STEM Kit That Wows!

by Katrina

Holiday decorations are neatly packed away. The excitement of perfectly marketed toys and gadgets has subsided. Now it is time to decide what was a flop and what was not.

I pride myself on listening and understanding the girls’ interests to select gifts they will enjoy beyond Christmas day. Of course, this process is not foolproof, but I did pretty well this year – with only two items that did not make-the-cut.

I am an advocate of STEM education, especially for girls. The earlier and more they are exposed to STEM, the higher their interest and comfort level will be. I love prepackaged STEM kits and strongly encourage the use of them at home.

One of my six-year-old daughter’s most loved gifts is the My Home, Snap Circuits STEM Kit by Elenco. She loves learning about electricity, how to build circuits, and how power flows through our home. At first glance, Snap Circuits look intimidating. Trust me, if necessary, you can help them get started. The STEM kit comes with color-coded and detailed step-by-step instructions and does not require any tools or glue for assembly.

I suggest starting with one of the smaller projects (there are a total of 53 in this kit). With no tools required, a few snaps here and there, they will be independent in no time.

My Home | Snap Circuits Building Kit

Use this STEM kit to learn about electricity, how to build circuits, and how power flows through your home.

Introduce younger children to Snap Circuits with the Beginner Exploration Kit. There are 14 parts and over 20 projects included. Snap Circuits are excellent for teaching problem solving and learning to follow directions.

If you think these Snap Circuits are cool, check out more STEM kits to try at home.

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